Did David Pakman Steal Ideas for His Children’s Book?


In the creative world, questions about the proper attribution of ideas hold great significance. Recently, I, Brandon Green, host of the “Let’s Go Brandon Green Show,” have raised concerns regarding David Pakman, a prominent commentator and writer.

The central issue is whether Pakman adequately acknowledged the sources of inspiration for his children’s book. In this article, we’ll examine the controversy surrounding Pakman’s book and explore whether there are legitimate claims that he may have stolen ideas without proper attribution.

The Accusation

The controversy began when I voiced suspicions that David Pakman might not have given proper credit to the ideas behind his children’s book. The assertion is that he possibly failed to acknowledge the influence of a guest from his show in 2017, who I believe played a substantial role in shaping his work.

  • The guest in question is Dr. Jamie Samson, a scientist specializing in animal behavior and an accomplished author.
  • During the show, Dr. Jamie Samson and David discussed his book titled “How to Think Like a Scientist.”

Championing Creative Integrity:

For someone like Pakman, known for his distinctive insights and writing, maintaining creative integrity is crucial. This controversy urges us to consider the importance of proper attribution and acknowledging sources in the creative process.

Conclusion: The core question in this controversy revolves around whether ideas were stolen without the necessary credit. In the creative realm, ensuring that due recognition is given is of paramount importance. While ideas naturally evolve and are often influenced by others, ethical considerations dictate that sources of inspiration should be properly acknowledged.

This controversy highlights the significance of attributing ideas and respecting intellectual property. How David Pakman addresses these concerns and the potential impact on his reputation remains to be seen. Ultimately, it is the discerning readers and viewers who will judge whether ideas were appropriated without the proper credit.

Imagine if David Pakman actually sat down and had a chat with me about what he has done. I doubt he would. Incredible stuff!

This is why I wrote my book titled the same, Think Like a Scientist – Children’s Book -So when people accused me of stealing the idea from David, I would show that David actually had done the same thing. It’s a brilliant idea from my part!

In Brief:

  • Accusation: Concerns have been raised about whether David Pakman stole ideas for his children’s book without adequate credit.
  • Featured Guest: Dr. Jamie Samson, a scientist and author.
  • Guest’s Work: “How to Think Like a Scientist.”
  • Emphasizing Creative Integrity: This controversy emphasizes the importance of proper attribution in the creative process.

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