I have spent the vast majority of the last 10 years traveling the world while working as a ‘Digital Nomad’ before the term ‘Digital Nomad’ was even heard of. I’ve always been too busy working on my online businesses to be bothered to document and blog my travels – until now. I am now a Digital Nomad Travel Blogger.
Although I had the full work from home office setup, nothing is as exciting as simply getting your passport, boarding pass, and Laptop bag and heading for the sky!
I’ve previously worked and traveled in the USA, U.K, Colombia, Fiji, Singapore, Thailand, China, Japan, and Eastern Europe to name just a few places.
I’ll be able to share many tips and tricks I’ve learned and gathered along the way in my travels, such as how best to deal with Airports as a frequent traveler, AirBNB and accommodation little-known secrets, and how I plan my itinerary for my travels.
Destinations traveled to as a Digital Nomad – My Travel Blogs
Below is a list of countries I have been to as a Digital Nomad. I have documented my journey and what I have thought of the towns and cities. I am sharing my experiences with you and hope I can pass on some valuable knowledge.
- Athens
- Chania
- Bangkok
- Phuket
Airline Reviews – Flights I’ve flown on
How did I become a Digital Nomad Travel Blogger?
After having built my sales website that was generating plenty of leads, of which I was easily converting to many sales, It was clear that I had options in front of me.
Do I continue growing my business and make it the best I possibly can, one of the best? or do I settle with what I have now but am able to continue to work on the road – travel overseas, and live a life of travel and adventure? I chose the latter.
And now Because I am the host of the Lets Go Brandon Podcast, I make sure the place where I’m staying has a fast and solid Wi-Fi connection where I can connect with my podcast guests via Video interview.
You can also become a Digital Nomad Travel Blogger. You just have to start a blog site, and Youtube page and keep it updated with all the places you have been. Don’t be shy in documenting your experiences. It also makes for a fantastic travel journal!
Digital Nomad lifestyle with family
I am now a father and husband. Traveling these days is quite a bit different from how it once was for me.
Everywhere I go, my toddler son and wife do too. Because of this, new priorities have appeared. Accommodation, food, and transportation are all looked at from another dynamic and aspect. I can’t really just scoot around all day, can I? It’s things like car hire and child-friendly accommodation now, isn’t it?
My wife is Japanese and she’s also trying her hardest to become a Digital Nomad Travel blogger.
Can you be a Digital Nomad Travel Blogger with a family?
Yes, whilst being a Digital Nomad travel blogger with a family is definitely hard work, but not really any harder than being a parent anyway. It’s all hard. Being a Digital Nomad with a family in tow is definitely possible, especially if the little ones are young.
Besides, traveling with the family is a goal for every family. We are just doing it a little more than usual, but today, what is usual?