Sexual Health Coach – Brian Ayers
Uncle B, Brian Ayers is the owner of the famous Youtube Channel about erections and how to improve them.
Brian has been selling on the internet since 1999! Most E-Commerce managers and Entrepreneurs weren’t even born then! He launched his product, African Fly – A nice concoction of little-known African Herbs that help stimulate a response in the human body’s reproductive system. This helps your penis get harder and your lady’s bits work better too!
During the 1 hour-long chat we talked about:
- What is an erection?
- How to make Erections stronger?
- How to last longer in bed?
- Do men need to orgasm every time during sex?
- There is a difference between Ejaculation and orgasming for men
- Is there a gut-brain connection that relates to sex and erection strength?
- How Intermittent Fasting can increase your sexual performance and overall health
- Watching what you eat as you age
To follow Brian Ayers, and try his African Fly love potion, and his ESEIS Course please see the links below:
Sexual Health Coach Audio Podcast